5X Psoriasis Eczema Dermatitis (15g) Natural Cream Skin Treatment Ointment

My husband and daughter had extreme skin issues while we were living in Florida, USA. We had tried everything from over the counter as well as prescription creams, and nothing had worked.

We had moved to the Philippines because of my elderly parents and brought so many hydrocortisone creams with us to help alleviate their itch during the hotter months, especially as we will be staying here for a long time.

I happen to see this cream being sold as I pay my groceries, and I thought, why not try it. I mean, we already had tried almost everything, so we don't really have anything to lose. My thoughts were, "At least I found something to replace the hydrocortisone in case we run out." So, I bought it expecting nothing of it.

The time I bought this cream, my daughters skin was not inflammed, but my husbands neck and thighs were really oozing and were very inflammed. I can really see that he gets really embarrassed when people stare at his neck as if he's got something contagious and I feel really bad when he have to start explaining to people what it is and it's not contagious.  Still, the look of his broken skin is not a sight to see. Something that can lower someone's self-esteem.

Fast forward to my husband using it, the color of the cream was light yellow and the smell. Well, it's not unpleasant, but there is a smell like a minty scent. According to my husband, the smell reminds him of salon pas or bengay.

According to my husband, the cream doesn't burn even when applied to open and broken skin. He said it actually cools his itching and burning skin. (My husband is very low tolerant of pain, and for him to say that makes me feel relieved)

I also researched the ingredients in this cream, and they all came out as scientific names of herbal plants. Please see the pictures. Except for the last ingredient, which is an antiseptic.

Lastly, we could not believe that in 3 weeks of using this cream, all that's left of those ugly broken skin are just dark spots which indicates that this part of the skin was once open and inflammed. Imagine our joy because my husband suffered from this skin problems for at least 20+ years.


This might NOT be for everyone.

As an adult, if you want to try, make sure you do a skin allergy test at all times.

I have not tested this cream for children under 10 years old. My daughter is 11 years old. If you want to try, please do a multiple skin test to ensure because our children are precious and I am NOT a doctor. I am only sharing our experience.

Please, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask me prior to buying. I do not accept any refunds and returns, so please take this extra step to voice out any concerns you may have.

May this find of ours help you and your family.

Be well and stay safe!