Kamera Classics, No. 1 Vintage Adult Magazine 60s era pinup nude photography

Harrison Marks photography.

Published by Nostalgia Publications, Ltd. 

Printed in England

Only one on eBay. MY VERY LAST ONE! First issue! Very good to excellent vintage condition. 60s era photo book. Kept bagged and boarded in a flat file since purchase. First edition, stapled, soft cover, 32 pages black and white, color wrapper.

Vintage adult magazine featuring British photographer, Harrison Marks, who specialized in glamour and nude model photography, reprinting his photographs from the 1960s. Classic photographs of Anne Austin, Pamela Greene, June Palmer, Marie Devereaux, Lorraine Burnett. Naturally many of Marques photos were airbrushed upon publication, but most of these present are from original negatives without retouching. Very very good plus to excellent condition. This is a very scarce issue for mature, consenting Audiences.

These images do not break eBay policy as they were all created and published prior to 1970, this book is a compilation of all of them then reprinted by photographer Harrison '92. By purchase this item you are acknowledging you are age 18 and over. Vintage pinup. The Black marks are not on actual item it’s censored for EBay

Please see photos of actual item.

Thank you for looking.