Tamarind Indica Kuthul Pani Siyambala  Sweet Taste Control Cholesterol 500g

Tamarind Indica Pani Siyambala is a traditional Sri Lankan tamarind concentrate valued for its tart, tangy punch. Our Tamarind Pani is made from sweet tamarind fruit sustainably wild-harvested across the lush island jungles.

The tamarind pulp undergoes a slow, natural extraction process to retain its beneficial phytonutrients before concentrating into a thick, sticky syrup. Crafted using century-old village preparation methods into what is known locally as “pani siyambala” (sour tamarind water).

With its rich caramel hue and smooth, glossy texture, our concentrated Tamarind Pani Siyambala delivers a fruity bouquet with intense sour-sweet tropical flavor. An exceptional pantry staple, this tamarind extract enhances fiery curries, stews, chutneys, desserts and beverages as a flavor-packed acidity regulator.

Experience the traditional zing of sunny Sri Lankan tamarind orchards in every drop of our small batch Tamarind Indica Pani Siyambala.

Use Benefits

Heart Health

  • The fiber, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants in tamarind can help lower blood pressure and regulate cholesterol for a healthy heart.

Blood Sugar Control

  • Compounds in tamarind slow down the release of sugars to aid glycemic control and offset diabetes risk. It has anti-hyperglycemic properties.

Weight Management

  • High fiber keeps you fuller longer by controlling appetite and cravings. Enhances fat burn.

Digestion & Gut health

  • The fiber feeds good gut bacteria and helps relieve constipation. Has an anti-microbial effect.


  • Tamarind is rich in tartaric acid and other compounds that reduce inflammation and pain throughout the body including joints.

Immune System Support

  • High antioxidant and vitamin C content boosts the immune system function and fights viral and bacterial infections.

Skin & Hair Improvements

  • Tamarind seed compounds deliver youthful skin by increasing collagen production and Vitamin C renews skin texture and tone while stimulating hair growth.

In essence, tamarind is truly a super fruit that benefits the entire body with its unique sweet yet tart taste and stellar nutritional profile. A tasty therapeutic food!