Top quality pink Tugtupite mined in Greenland.

 I purchased it over a decade ago and intended to use it for a jewellery project. I'm currently not working with stones and thought that  someone else may create a beautiful jewellery piece with it. It can be turned into a beautiful piece of jewellery once shaped and polished. Alternatively it's a wonderful gemstone to keep as a treasure in your personal collection or due to its natural properties. Tugtupite has amazing energy... 
Please note that the colour after polishing will be even more vivid pink/red and of course there will be the shine. Especially when exposed to the sun. The photos show tugtupite after daylight exposure during the winter( no direct sun light)

In case of any further questions just write me a message:)

Dimensions : 13mm x 10mm x 4mm   

Some common beliefs about tugtupite and its use:
  1. Energy and Healing: In metaphysical beliefs, tugtupite is often associated with energy healing and emotional balance. It is believed to possess energetic properties that can stimulate the heart chakra, promote feelings of love and compassion, and encourage emotional healing and self-acceptance. Some people use tugtupite in crystal healing practices to release emotional blockages, foster forgiveness, and enhance feelings of empathy and connection with others.

  2. Connection to the Spirit World: In indigenous Greenlandic folklore, tugtupite is sometimes regarded as a stone with spiritual significance and connections to the spirit world. It is believed to be a powerful talisman for spiritual protection and guidance, helping individuals navigate their spiritual journey and connect with ancestral wisdom and guidance. Tugtupite may be used in rituals or ceremonies to invoke spiritual energies and seek divine assistance in matters of the heart and soul.

  3. Love and Romance: Due to its vibrant red or pink coloration, tugtupite is often associated with themes of love, passion, and romance. It is considered a symbol of deep emotional connection and intimacy, making it a popular choice for engagement rings, wedding jewelry, and gifts exchanged between loved ones. In some cultures, tugtupite is believed to enhance romantic relationships, strengthen bonds of affection, and ignite feelings of passion and desire.

  4. Protective Properties: Tugtupite is sometimes viewed as a protective stone that wards off negative energies, psychic attacks, and spiritual disturbances. It is believed to create a shield of energetic protection around the wearer, deflecting harmful influences and promoting a sense of inner peace and security. Some people carry tugtupite as an amulet or talisman for protection during spiritual work, meditation, or psychic exploration.

  5. Cultural Significance: In Greenlandic Inuit culture, tugtupite holds cultural significance as a symbol of the land and its people. It is deeply rooted in the traditions, mythology, and spiritual practices of indigenous communities, serving as a reminder of their connection to the earth, the elements, and the spirits of nature. Tugtupite may be used in ceremonial rituals, storytelling, and cultural celebrations to honor the ancestral traditions and teachings passed down through generations.