Blessed thistle contains cnicin, a compound found in many bitter herbs. Cnicin is thought to stimulate the production of both saliva and gastric acid, which both aid digestion.

This may explain why blessed thistle has a long history of being used as a remedy for gas, constipation, and stomach pain.

Blessed thistle also has a long-standing reputation as an expectorant. These are herbs or medications that help to loosen and thin mucus, making it easier for you to cough it up. However, there aren’t any studies evaluating its effectiveness as an expectorant.

Blessed thistle is part of the Asteraceae family of plants. A 2015 study found that plants from this family have measurable antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. This suggests that there’s some science behind the traditional use of blessed thistle as a topical treatment for minor cuts and wounds.

Recommended use is 40 drops in a glass of water

Consult your health care professional before use.