Zdjęcie przedmiotu. Pokaż stronę szczegółów oferty. Oferta HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS, PURPLE-FLOWERED HELLEBORE 10 seeds


A bit variable but very pretty, deciduous clump-forming rare perennial that makes excellent groundcover in partial shade. It has attractive, purple tinted , palmate leaves to 25 cm wide. The cup-shaped, dark purple to lilac-mauve flowers (6- 8 cm across) in stalked cymes (2-5 flowers each) are born in late winter to spring. It can be found on dozen or so scattered sites from western Ukraine in the north to the Balkans in the south. Everywhere it is a rare and endangered plant. This charming, subtle hellebore needs part shade and humusy, neutral to alkaline soil. Suitable for containers. Great long-lasting cut flower.

-Height: 40 cm;

-Flowers: February- April;

-Sow: any time indoors; soak the seeds for 24h in warm water; just cover with soil; leave the seeds for 6 weeks at 10-15 C; transplant any seedlings that have germinated; after 6 weeks stratify the remaining seeds at 0- 5 C for next 6 weeks (refrigerator is very useful); then remove to 10- 15 C again; the germination process can take from 30 to 180 days; do not be discouraged- the seeds sprout almost in 100%; outdoors sowing is also possible;

-Aftercare: part shade to shade and average garden soil (not acidic); dislikes boggy soils; hardy to -35 C;

-Packet contains: 10 seeds;

Buy as many seeds as you want and pay only one shipping fee.