arnebia pulchra ss.jpg


This superb alpine species is native to Caucasus, Iran and Western Asia. Plant reaching a height 20- 30 cm with erect and spreading stems densely branched at the top. Dark green usually evergreen basal lanceolate leaves to 15 cm long form a rosette. Numerous, large tubular flowers with five petals are 3 cm in diameter and form dense inflorescences. The blackish-brown spots on the petals change colour to white after pollination. In Iran, it has been considered for centuries as a flower of the Prophet Muhammad -hence the common name. A rare delight for any keen alpine gardener and enthusiasts alike. Ideally grow in a light soil on the alpine rock garden, front of border or containers.

-Height: 25 cm;

-Flowers: April- May;

-Sow: any time indoors or outdoors; soak the seeds for 24h before sowing; just cover the seeds with soil; germination is irregular and usually takes 30- 60 days at 10- 15 C; outdoors sowing October-April is also very effective; 2 to 3 weeks of stratification recommended;

-Aftercare: full sun and well-drained soil; hardy to -25C;

-Packet contains: 5 seeds

Buy as many seeds as you want and pay only one shipping fee.