Fliegenpapier nach Dashiell Hammett's Kriminalgeschichte Flypaper is a beautifully illustrated pictorial book written in German by Hans Hillmann. The hardcover book, published in 1984 by Zweitausendeins, is a non-fiction narrative that explores the art of book design. The book is intended for young adults and adults and features a dust jacket and stunning illustrations. This book is an excellent addition to any art lover's collection and provides a unique insight into the world of book design. With its focus on the Kriminalgeschichte Flypaper, readers can learn about the process of creating a book cover and how to bring a story to life through visual art. Overall, Fliegenpapier nach Dashiell Hammett's Kriminalgeschichte Flypaper is a must-have for anyone interested in the art of book design.