Thank you for your interest in Steve's Hot Hit Packs! This is a new product we are launching and takes after our original owner Steve. These packs are just the way Steve likes it, NO BS! No common bulk included!

Inside each hit pack you will find 20 "hits" or cards with players you'll actually recognize! Every card is either a Hall of Famer or Minor Star from their respective sport. Cards can vary in condition, although most are NM or better. As a general rule of thumb, the older a card is, the worse of a condition it will be in. The MAJORITY of the cards in the hit packs will be from the Junk Wax Era, meaning 88-95. We do have cards that are older or younger and we throw them in with the rest, although most are from the JWE. DO NOT EXPECT EXTREMELY HIGH END CARDS. YOU WILL NOT FIND VINTAGE MICKEY MANTLES IN THESE PACKS, FOR EXAMPLE. You will NOT find a card in these packs that is worth more on its own than the pack itself. We do NOT control for value, so your value may be more than the price, but we do not put very high end stuff in here.

In 25% of the packs you can find an additional patch card or numbered card. They are chose by RNG. Sports include Baseball, Football, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Racing, misc (Golf, Tennis etc) This is in order to prominence. The majority of the pack will be the big 3 sports. Inside, you can find players including but not limited to Ken Griffey Jr, Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, Jerome Bettis, Joe Montana, Steve Young, Jerry Rice, Frank Thomas, Jeff Gordon, Serena Williams, Jack Nicklaus, Nolan Ryan, among MANY more!

This pack will make a great gift to new collectors or just to relieve memories!