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Perfect little plants for indoor growing during the winter. Grows to 8" - 18" Tall. Ideal For Pots, Patios & Small Spaces. These little beauties will bare fruit within 120 days from seed 
Organic ( Non-GMO ) Heirloom

Package includes 10 Seeds of each variety listed below!!!!

Hahms Gelbe Micro Dwarf 

Hahms Gelbe is a rare Micro Dwarf tomato is my favorite to look at when it’s ripening its fruits. 8-10 inch plants produce regular sized, pale yellow tomatoes that are so beautiful that you just don’t want to eat them. Fruits are sweeter and mild with a lot of good juice! Our plants begin to ripen their fruits about 70 days after we transplanted them. Like all of our micro dwarf varieties, we successfully grew these in 3/4 gallon containers. These had to be staked because they were so loaded and top-heavy. chopsticks worked excellently. Perfect for salads and snacking! Kids love them!

 Little Red Riding Hood Micro Dwarf 

Little Red Riding Hood Micro Dwarf tomato is short micro plant that produces tons of bright red, average sized cherry tomatoes. One of the first to ripen, ours come in at 65 days after transplant. These are sweeter with a tinge of tang, but overall milder. Production is good! Perfect for snacking and salads.  Grows best in 3/4 to 1 gallon container!

Pinocchio Red Micro Dwarf 

Pinocchio Red Micro Dwarf tomato is a beautiful, nice sized cherry tomato that grows on miniature tomato plants. These tree like plants grow no taller than 9 inches and begin to ripen their fruits about 55 days after transplant. Fruits have very good balance of sweet and tang, accompanied by lots of  almost fruity juice. Tho diminutive, plants are prolific with a lengthy harvest. Pinocchio Red can easily be grown in a 3/4 to gallon sized container. A larger container may not be needed. Try  3-4 plants in a window box too, perfect!

Pinocchio Orange Micro Dwarf

 Pinocchio Micro Dwarf are short little plants produce tomatoes with such excellent flavor. Pinocchio micro dwarf is a great tomato for jams and jellies, providing that you could keep yourself from eating them off of the plant. They are sweet, juicy, soft and fruity with thin skin. Plants mature at about 7 inches and send out a few very useful suckers that are anxious to also produce fruits. Ours do excellently in 3/4 gallon containers. about 70 days to ripen after transplant!

Aztek Yellow Micro Dwarf

Aztek Micro Dwarf is a very rare variety the tomato is a sweet, juicy and kind of fruity. It’s really a lot of fun to grow! Plants grow to about 8 inches tall. They are loaded with beautiful fruits that are whitish when green. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 65- 70 days after transplant. Once the plant begins to ripen its tomatoes, you will be blessed with an abundance of very tasty fruits. Sweet and firmest with good balance, Aztek is perfect for snacking on or salads, jams, jellies and canning. Like some other dwarf varieties, you may also be blessed with a second, smaller crop if you feed and water often. Ours have always been grown in 3/4 gallon containers and do exceptionally well. We grow both outdoors and under lights indoors during the winter

Rejina Red Micro Dwarf

Regina Red Micro Dwarf is a really sturdy cherry variety that grows on 10 inch plants or shorter. This well balanced fruit is delicious and slightly tangy, with good sweetness too! One of the things that I love about this variety is that it produces plenty fruits for such a small plant. 50-55 Days!

How to Grow Tomatoes

Step 1: Timing

Start indoors in early spring over bottom heat. When seedlings germinate, remove from the heat and grow under bright lights. Grow seedlings on for 6-8 weeks at around 10°C (50°F). Early season tomatoes can be planted out once night time temperatures are reliably above 7°C (45°F) - or later. Other types should be transplanted out when night time lows are 10°C (50°F) or warmer - or later. Optimal soil temperature for germination: 25-35°C (68-95°F). With bottom heat seeds should germinate in 7-14 days.

Step 2: Starting

Sow seeds 5mm-1cm (¼-½”) deep. Keep seedlings under very bright light to prevent legginess. You may have to pot on seedlings more than once before they go out to allow for root growth. Space bush (determinate) transplants 45-60cm (18-24″) apart and vine (indeterminate) types 50-75cm (20-30″) apart in rows 1m (3′) apart.

Step 3: Growing

Ideal pH: 6.0-6.8.

Tomatoes like fertile, well drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Dig in finished compost and manure, and add 1 cup balanced organic fertilizer beneath each transplant. The nutrition from heavy clay soils is excellent for tomatoes, but they are slow to warm, so transplanting should be done later. By the same token, lighter soils warm more quickly, so transplants can go out sooner. Adding glacial rock dust will supply all the calcium they will need. Regular watering is vital, but don’t let the plants sit in water. Tomatoes are tropical plants so they require full sun and lots of heat. Vine varieties will require some kind of support such as a wire to grow up, or a trellis to be tied to as the plant grows. Bush types benefit from the support of a tomato cage in order to prevent sprawling. At the time of final transplant, plants can be buried up to their first pair of true leaves. This will encourage greater root growth, helping with both nutrient uptake and the plants’ ability to stand up to dry conditions.
Stop watering around the end of July to encourage the fruit to ripen. If tomato plants are grown under cover, you can encourage pollination and fruit set by tapping the stem from time to time. Tomatoes do not rely on insects for pollination. Vibrating the plant shakes pollen loose within the flowers, which then self-pollinate.

Indeterminate tomatoes continue to grow and produce fruit until they are killed by frost. Remove any suckers (stems growing from the crotch of leaves) to keep the foliage under control, and they will set a later crop of larger fruit. Determinate varieties normally set fruit in a concentrated time period. Their suckers are not normally removed, though some trimming helps with ventilation.

Step 4: Germination

Days to Maturity: From transplant date.

At least 75% of seeds will germinate in optimal conditions. Usual seed life: 3 years.

Step 5: Harvest

Harvest when the fruit is the desired color. Green tomatoes can be ripened indoors at a cool temperature when they are blemish free. Very dark green tomatoes are unlikely to ripen fully.