Large Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystal with a touch of Golden Healer!

Locality: Treasure Mountain Mine, Little Falls New York


55 x 48 x 37mm approx at widest points


92 grams

Golden Healers are very special crystals, they have iron coating on or under the surface of the crystal.  It is a natural process. Golden Healers are exactly as their name describes - Golden Healers.  Used almost exclusively in spiritual healing, these crystals with their Gold color offer restore spiritual energy that is out of balance. Golden Healers are used when the need is to improve a persons basic happiness, get them back on a track towards success, bring a sense of adventure, increase the persons personal power, or  build their enthusiasm or  confidence.

Golden Healers amplify the Golden Ray due to the amplifying qualities of the quartz crystal. This crystal is a potent healing stone that can cleanse all in your auric field, and fills with healing golden light. The golden light can penetrate into the cells to help to release old negative patterns and conditioning. Golden Healers are used for healing on all levels. The Golden Healer crystal is a Master Healer, bringing in the golden light, raising the vibration to dissolve and release blockages, replenish the cells and to restore the body’s natural state of harmonious equilibrium.

Herkimer diamonds are double terminated quartz crystals ONLY found in herkimer county New York, formed 500 million years ago. They are the most powerful of ALL quartz crystals on earth. They are naturally faceted and double terminated, having the ability to not only transmit energy, but to receive energy as well. Herkimer diamonds also magnify the energies of other stones and crystals.