Kano Computer Kit Touch ? Build a tablet. Learn to code. Play

Learn to code on a touchscreen computer you build yourself. 100+ step-by-step creative challenges and stories show you how. Make art, music, and games. Create with exclusive voice, and sound projects. Don't just play Minecraft, hack it to do something new.

Build a touchscreen computer - Open the box, pop out the pieces. Follow the book, build your own computer, all by yourself. Connect the touchscreen, battery, USB ports, speaker, sound sensor, and more. Browse the internet, use your favorite apps like YouTube, Whatsapp, Google Docs, and more.Learn to code -With simple steps, learn logic, Python, Javascript, and Terminal commands. Level up as you make art, games, and music. Your first steps into making your own websites, games, and more. Simple for beginners, expansive for experts.Make art, music, games - Code pictures, build animations, and make musical masterpieces. Don?¢¬Ä¬ôt just play games, change the rules. Take control of Minecraft, Pong and Snake. Make exclusive voice, sound, and touch projects. Play with Google's Song Maker.Endless play - Once you've learnt the basics, there's no end to how much you can make. Keep creating your own art, coding your own games, building your own powers for Minecraft. Watch out for constant free updates and new coding challenges ?¢¬Ä¬ì delivered to your kit.Kano World -Become part our free creative community. Make, share, and play with art, games, and music by people in 86 countries. Be inspired, see the code behind any creation, and tweak it to make it your own. Safe and friendly.