”Cosmic Spiral Wave”Tensor Ring, Black-Hole Cubit
Thoroughly hand-crafted by a Japanese artist whose artwork was adopted by the Japanese postal stamp.

764 MHZ cubit "Black hole cubit", lacquer finish

One side of 27 inch ring is black, which means no energy state, the other side generates tornado field. Tornado field always shifts towards magnetic north, the polarity can be changed by your will. Black hole cubit takes in and convert the high density energy.

About tensor ring:
Tensor Ring was invented by Slim Spurling, famous dowser. Tensor ring is made by twisting two(2) copper wires that are cut by the unit called cubit. It was born while the dowser tried to improve the geopathic stress.

1 cubit is the distance from elbow to tip of middle finger of Egyptian king and it is said to be used in making Noah's ark and is said to have some kind of natural power.

Followings are some information about tensor ring in general:

-Place some water in PET bottles or glasses and place them on a tensor ring, the water becomes milder and has pure taste.

-Spectrum of light activates water which enhance the vitality of pot plants and animals when you give them tensor water.

-Drink a half glass of water twice a day and increase the amount gradually, it detoxes the body and in 1-2 weeks, the color of urine and stool are changed.

-Pot plant placed inside the big tensor ring grows quickly and big.
-Water pH balance becomes more alkaline in 24-48h.
-Water freezing point is lowered and
melts the ice quickly.
-Brings into the deep relaxation. Unnecessary substances in blood will be effectively replaced by oxygen and nutrition.

-Give chakra good influences.

-Place a big tensor ring besides the bed improves one's sleep and requires less sleeping hour.

-Support for a deep meditation.

-Decrease EMF exposure

-Attached the ring onto the cap of gasoline tank of a car and fuel efficiency is increased.


Pineal gland is located at the center of our brain.  Yet it tends to be calcified due to the modern living environment. Synthetic fluorine compound, chlorine and synthetic calcium are the main cause of the calcification.

Demineralization of calcified pineal gland is essential for the people who want to be more enlightened.

We will be glad if you could enjoy "Cosmic Spiral Wave"  for a long time.

This product is not certified by the
Japans Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.  It is not aimed for the purpose of curing disease, healing the illness.  And above-mentioned information are quoted from the materials around the world.

764 MHZ キュービット 「ブラックホールキュビット」 ラッカー仕上げ




石灰化の主な原因は、合成フッ化物、塩素、および合成されたカルシウムです。 石灰化した松果体を脱灰することは、より目覚めた人間になろうとするすべての人にとっては不可欠な事です。

