ICI FM640 P-Series dual infrared/visible camera intended for human temperature screening. This is newer version in smaller enclosure. Used, tested, works. Just the camera - nothing else is included (no blackbody, no software). Both infrared and visible camera share the same IP address: I don't have ICI IRFlash software - so I tested it in web browser. Configure your computer IP address as In Internet Explorer (other browsers don't work correctly) go to - login page should appear. Default user ID is "admin", default password: "Admin123". Attention! Password is case sensitive, if you enter "admin123" - this will not work.There is Debug connector - UART uBoot - (you) might be able to enable something extra there. After you login - there is not a lot you can do - change palette, do NUC. Save camera settings to config file, time, upgrade firmware - it's already the latest (seems like firmware was crippled to disable things like ftp, recording to MicroSD card, etc). Download and install x-vlc-plugin when prompted. In browser - video is streaming as two frames - IR and Visible - two instances of vlc plugin - double click IR or Visible image to view full screen. You can stream it with VLC player ( rtsp:// for IR, /ONVIFMediaS for Visible ). There is analog (for thermal camera only) video connector in camera multi-cable - it's not enabled by default - but I enabled it for you. Buy this camera to use it as it is - in enclosure. If you want just a thermal core - you will be disappointed - "core" as-is is not a complete camera - interface module is separate board - and it's big. Buyer hopefully already has complete kit with software and will use it as spare. Internet Explorer Mode can be enabled as option in Windows 11.