2000 Hong Kong Movie Okinawa Rendez-vous 戀戰沖繩 Leslie Cheung 張國榮 VCD No Case No Original Case  No Case

Language:  Cantonese/Mandarin 國粵語對白    Subtitle: Chinese/English  中英文字幕

*Video CD (abbreviated as VCD, and also known as Compact Disc Digital Video) is a home video format and the first format for distributing films on standard 120 mm (4.7 in) optical discs. ... VCDs are playable in dedicated VCD players and widely playable in most DVD players, personal computers and some video game consoles.*

王菲 (演員) | 張 國榮 (演員) | 黎姿 | 梁 家輝 | 陳 嘉上 | 陳 慶嘉

Director : Gordan Chan


  JENNY wakes up one morning and decides to leave her lover. He is triad boss SATO. She takes a bag of Sato's money, which is the ransom money to TANG, a thief who has a diary with explicit details of Sato's triad activities.

  Tang is deeply in need of cash. By chance, he meets a cop LO and his girlfriend who are vacationing in Okinawa. Lo is eager to catch Tong.

  In the process of planning for the robbery, both Tang and Lo fall in love with Jenny. Lo even breaks up with his longtime girlfriend for her. As for Tang who has never given anything to women, suddenly finds himself playing a dangerous game of love with Jenny.....

No original case. 無原裝盒. NO CASE. Factory Original VCD. It was played and tested. It’s from my hundred of DVDs and VCDs collection since the 80s. Mostly never watched or once only. Original cases were thrown away due to limited storage size.

All buyer scams and false claims will be reported to ebay, ic3.gov, USPS for mail fraud and a police report will be filed with both mine and the buyers police.