4oz Calendula Salve

Calendula was the gateway herb to my deep connection and love for medicine makery. My neighbors 8 year old son Ka’sean was suffering from severe eczema, bleeding from scratching, skin cracking and staph infections, it was truly hard to behold the carnage it had done to this little boys skin. They’d seen doctors everywhere and the only thing that helped was a steroid cream, which is not healthy especially for a child’s body and brain chemistry.

I read about Calendula officinalis in one of my herbal remedy books and decided to grow it and make a salve for him. I had never seen or used Calendula at this point in my journey.

The joy I felt when his skin slowly started transforming and looking the beautiful caramel brown it was supposed to be instead of ashen grey, cracked and bleeding, was the doorway into a new world of herbalism for me. I helped someone, his skin was 100% healed & perfect! I am grateful to him to this day for giving me such a vital gift on my journey.

17 years later I have made thousands of jars and bottles and versions of calendula salve and oil, at this point I tell everyone it’s good for everything! It basically with a few exceptions is!

Here is my personal list of everything I have seen or customers and friends have witnessed it heal:

Eczema & Psoriasis

Acne- Just make sure to wash you face everyday so the oils dont build up! ***also a sign of toxicity**

Age spots- I had an 82 year young customer clear her age spots after using it for three months!! This is a new discovery!

Arthritis- Calendula is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it acts as an analgesic even though it isn’t!

Anti-aging- It makes your skin glow, try it and you’ll see in a few days!

Burns- Stops the pain of kitchen and sunburns in minutes!

Moisturizer- The safest skin conditioner you can use.

Safe for pregnant womyn- Stretch marks, chaffed nipples, episiotomy, c-section,

yeast infections & bacterial vaginosis.

Safe for babies- excellent for diaper rash, cradle cap, hair tamer, can be eaten!! 100% safe. I’ve had 3 jars eaten by two different babies!

Safe for pets! Cats, dogs, horses etc. 100% safe for them to eat, use for bites, wounds, dry itchy skin, mystery rashes & bumps, mange, ear mites, hoof polish, coat refresher, fungus.

Safe for the elderly- Bed sores, diaper rash, surgery wounds, arthritis, bumps and bruises, moisturizer, anti-aging, age spots, tumors.

Antifungal- Great for ringworm! Foot issues etc.

Antigenotoxic- I witnessed the tumor on my neighbors hand begin to shrink in just one week!!! Take tea, plain oil, or tincture for internal tumors.

Antibacterial- Use as a triple antibiotic. Excellent for all manner of boo-boo’s. Throw your chemical laden nonsense away!!

Used internally as an oil, tincture or tea it is neuroprotective and much more.

I also have other salves, the tincture, oil, and flower essence of Calendula.

The only thing I have found this doesn’t work for, is a fresh case of Poison Oak, Ivy, etc. once it’s dried up and over, calendula will help the skin. It’s antiseptic so open wounds will temporarily sting. Use sparingly around the eyes, getting it in your eyes is mildly unpleasant.

***if you have chronic skin issues like I did, it’s probably liver related. Look up Karen Hurd, she saved her daughter’s life with beans! Her daughter had been poisoned by insecticide (a nerve agent) and no one could help her, her 18 month old baby was going to die in a matter of days. She did research and discovered the polysaccharides in beans (but also all things with soluble fiber like flax, chia, psyllium) act as a net to capture the excess poisons in your bile that would keep getting recirculated through the body slowly or quickly poisoning you. The bile and poison are removed every 20 mins. Her protocol for poisoning is 2 tbsp of cooked beans every 20 mins. I can attest to this, it does work, it took my psoriasis from forest fire smoke away in a few days!

Podcast “What’s the Juice?”

Season 3 ep. 3, June 28, 2022

Beans, High Cortisol & Caffeine

This is one of thee most informative podcast on natural health you can find and Olivia is an amazing host and healer.

I also HIGHLY recommend “Feed your Wild” and “The Plant Path”

Please keep in touch and let me know how Calendula has worked for you. I’m here if you need me!

Many beautiful blessings on this wild journey we call life.

All my offerings are organic, all herbs are homegrown or wild crafted in pristine mountains by me.