1923, 1st edition as stated,QUEER THINGS ABOUT LONDON STRANGE NOOKS AND CORNERS OF THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD BY CHARLES G. HARPER Illustrated by the Author LONDON CECIL PALMER. Condition is good for age, covers/spine have rubbing, spine crushed. Gusset seen between cover &EP, piece missing on page before title page, pencil marks on illustrations page. All other pages cleaned & tanned, sent Royal Mail Second Class


I cannot claim that many of the "Queer Things" treated of in these pages are 'unknown.' It would be very queer indeed if they were. But most of them are but little considered and not greatly visited except by those whose business lies that way.

It is the habit among the writers of books to deplore the indifference of Londoners to the ob- jects of interest in London. It is a bad habit, for it is insincere. For my part, I feel extremely glad that Londoners do not come in crowds to see these interesting things. Thus there is all the more room and quiet for me and my kind where those things of interest are. I should not like to be obliged, for example, to wait in a queue to see the Westminster Waxworks; and it would be deplorable if crowds thronged to see Domesday Book in the museum of the Public Record Office, because if they did the Government would wake up and make a charge for admission. As few ever go to see it, the sight is free.

So all is well. I hope, and think, my book will be read; but the reading of it will not help to crowd the places described, because the arm- chair is comfortable and sight-seeing is a tiring affair.

I have to thank Messrs. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., for permission to reproduce the pictures by Mr. Lewis Weirter illustrating the chapter on St. Paul's Cathedral.

March, 1923