The Warman DriveTrain. Our highest output multi coil humbucker lunacy for the output fanatic. Its like the dirty little love child that happens when you leave 2 Twin Locos idling away in a cupboard during Lockdown, they spawn something from the gates of Hell.

Four coils of sheer insanity giving a total resistance in excess of 28 kOhm with an inductance ( Henries ) generally around 20H it actually destabilised our inductance meter topping it out at over its maximum reading of 20H when all four coils are wired in series. It's our ultimate output bridge position guitar pickup and not for the feint hearted. This one is not going to behave its self even through we did put it on a nickel baseplate.

When you need to cool it down a bit and muzzle it then you can use the 4 wire output to coil tap it down to just a mild mannered ( guffaw ) twin rail humbucker at around 14 k , basically the same as one of our Twin Locos.

As this is a rail pickup with multiple polarities it can be used in either bridge or neck ( if your output obsessed for your power chords ) but its equally at home in a bass.

Wire colours as follows

bare wire - overall earth wire

black wire - start / negative of first twin rail section

white wire - finish / positive of first rail section

red wire - start / negative of second rail section

green wire - finish / positive of second rail section.