We are offering two postal covers with 3 cent George Washington Purple Stamps [cancelled], and Washington D. C. postmarks - Jan 21 & Jan 31, 1918.  Both are addressed to Miss Pearl W. Raybould, 438 Clairworth Ave., Detroit, Michigan.  There are no letters enclosed.  The return address on one is Imperial Assurance Company, New York.  Merrill - Wenzel Agents, Newburyport, Massachusetts; and the other one simply says, "Return to Fourth Floor, 14 Wall Street, New York".   The correspondence that was sent in this envelope had to be from the Bankers Trust Co., as the building at 14 Wall St., NY was the Bankers Trust Co. headquarters building from 1912 to 1962 when the company moved all their employees to different locations.  Why waste ink on your name, when all that was needed was the street address and the floor number, when you own the entire building?