💥Herd Detox Sline helps to enhance fat metabolism and aid in fat loss.  The product has natural ingredients, safe for users. Currently, the product is being trusted by a part of users and highly appreciated for its effectiveness as well as safety.

💥Herd Detox Sline weight loss pills

- Specification: 1box/ 55 pills

- Reduce 2-5cm waist circumference (depending on location)

👍Specializes in reducing belly fat (all kinds of belly fat, beer belly, postpartum belly ...)

👍Specialized in eliminating toxins (this is very necessary for the body because one day we eat, breathe, toxic substances of the environment as well as food, weakening the body, leading to many diseases)

👍Helps skin glow

👍Especially treat constipation, fat in the liver, blood fat ....

👍The acne hidden behind will be gradually eliminated

👍Help us sleep soundly

👍Uncomfortable – no worries about gaining weight

👍Regulate menstruation

💥 Genuine Herd Detox Sline is completely extracted from nature, the main ingredients include:


The fruit

Mackerel fruit

Black pepper

Plumeria porcelain flower

💥Instructions for using Herd Detox Sline weight loss pills properly

- Take 2-3 capsules before going to bed or after the last meal of the day