History of Alchemy, in very old rare and vintage reading on PC, Mac or Tablets
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Some of these ancient books are from the 1600’s and some are in Latin but majority are in English


18th Century Chemical Terms “Opensource”


A Chymicall Treatise Of Arnoldus De Nova Villa “Opensource”


A discovrse of fire & salt discovering many secret mysteries as well philosophicall, as theologicall

by Vigenère, Blaise de, 1523-1596; Stephens, Edward, Rev

Publication date 1649


A Lexicon of Alchemy - M Rulandus

Publication date 1600’s


A new light of alchymy : taken out of the fountain of nature and manual experience : to which is added a treatise of sulphur

by Sedziwój, Micha, ca. 1556-ca. 1646; Paracelsus, 1493-1541. De natura rerum; Dorn, Gerhard, 16th cent. Dictionarium Paracelsi; French, John, 1616-1657

Publication date 1674


Atwood M A A Suggestive Inquiry Into The Hermetic Mystery 1850, Atwood M A A

Publication date 1800’s


Treatise on the great art: a system of physics according to Hermetic philosophy and theory and practice of the Magisterium

by Pernety Antoine-Joseph, 1716-1801

Publication date 1898


A Work Of Saturn 1670 J I Hollandus “Opensource”


Alchemiae Gebri Arabis philosophi solertissimi libri, cum reliquis, ut versa pagella indicabit

by Jabir ibn Hayyan; Bacon, Roger, 1214-1294. Speculum alchemiae; Hermes, Trismegistus. Tabul smaragdina; Hortulanus. Commentarius in Tabulam Smaragdinam Hermetis Trismegisti; Khalid ibn Yazid al-Umawi, 7th cent. Liber secretorum alchemiae; Polydorus, Chrysogonus; Richardus, Anglicus, d. 1252. Correctorium alchemiae

Publication date 1545


Alchemy, ancient and modern (2nd Edition)

by Redgrove, H. Stanley

Publication date 1922


Alchemy: ancient and modern : being a brief account of the alchemistic doctrines, and their relations, to mysticism on the one hand, and to recent discoveries in physical science on the other hand ; together with some particulars regarding the lives and teachings of the most noted alchemists

by Redgrove, H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley), 1887-1943

Publication date 1911


Story Of Alchemy And The Beginnings Of Chemistry “Opensource”

by M. M. Pattison Muir


Alchemy, Its Science and Romance

by John Edward Mercer

Publication date 1921


Alchemy Rediscovered And Restored “Opensource”

by Archibald Cockren

Publication date 1941


Alchemy the turba philosophorum; or, Assembly of the sages, called also the book of truth in the art and the third Pythagorical synod;

by Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942

Publication date 1896


Alchimia nova, das ist, Die güldene Kunst selbst, oder, Aller Künsten Mutter : sampt dero heimlichen Secreten, vnzehlichen verborgenen Kindern vnd Früchten ...

by Birelli, Giovanni Battista; Uffenbach, Peter, 1566-1635

Publication date 1603


An easie introduction to the philosophers magical gold : to which is added, Zor[o]asters cave : as also, John Pontanus Epistle upon the mineral fire, otherwise called, The philosophers stone

by Thor., George; Thor., George. Zoroaster's cave; Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639. Epistola de lapide philosophorum

Publication date 1667


An Open Entrance To The Closed Palace Of The King “Opensource”


Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore

by Wilde, Lady, 1826-1896

Publication date 1890


Anima magica abscondita, or, A discourse of the universall spirit of nature : with his strange, abstruse, miraculous ascent and descent

by Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666

Publication date 1650



by Chung Yu Wang

Publication date 1919


Aphorismi Urbigerani, or, Certain rules clearly demonstrating the three infallible ways of preparing the grand elixir, or circulatum majus of the philosophers : discovering the secret of secrets, and detecting the errors of vulgar chymists in their operations : contain'd in one hundred & one aphorisms : to which are added, The three ways of preparing the vegetable elixir, or circulatum minus by Urbigerus, Baro; Faithorne, William, 1616-1691

Publication date 1690


Apotelesmata philosophica Mercvrii trivmphantis : de vera et svmma antiquissimorum philosophorum medicina : in qvibvs elvcidatio & clauis totius operis

by Copus, Martinus

Publication date 1601


Appendix necessaria Syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum Andreae Libavii ... : in qva praeter arcanorvm nonnvllorum expositionem & illustrationem, quorundam item medicorum hermeticorum & mysticorum descriptionem, continentur defensiones geminae, primum eorum quae ab Henningo Schevnemano & iuniore Gramano sunt impugnata, postea quae in transmutatoria metallorum à Nicolao Gviberto ... sunt attentata ...

by Libavius, Andreas, -1616; Libavius, Andreas, -1616. Syntagma selectorum undiquaque et perspicue traditorum alchymiae arcanorum. Tomus primus-secundus

Publication date 1615


Arcana arcanissima, hoc est, Hieroglyphica aegyptio-graeca : vulgo necdum cognita, ad demonstrandam falsorum apud antiquos deorum, dearum, heroum, animantium, & institutorum pro sacris receptorum, originem, ex vno Aegyptiorum artificio, quod aureu animi et corporis medicamentum peregit, deductam, vnde tot poëtarum allegoriae, scriptorum narrationes fabulosae et per totam encyclopaediam errores sparsi clarissima veritatis luce manifestantur, suaeq[ue] tribui singula restituuntur, sex libris exposita

by Maier, Michael, 1568-1622

Publication date 1614


Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica : accomodata partim oculis & intellectui, figuris cupro incisis, adjectisque sententiis, epigrammatis & notis, partim auribus & recreationi animi plus minus 50 fugis musicalibus trium vocum, quarum duae ad unam simplicem melodiam distichis canendis peraptam, correspondeant, non abs[que] singulari jucunditate videnda, legenda, meditanda, intelligenda, dijudicanda, canenda & audienda

by Maier, Michael, 1568?-1622, author; Galler, Hieronymus, printer; Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623 publisher; Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, engraver; Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650, engraver, attributed name

Publication date 1618


Aula lucis, or, The house of light: a discourse written in the year 1651

by Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666

Publication date 1652


Aurum aurae : vi magnetismi universalis attractum

by Balduin, Christian Adolph, 1632-1682

Publication date 1674


Avrevm vellvs, oder, Guldin Schatz und Kunst-Kammer : darinnen der aller fürnemisten, fürtreffenlichsten, ausserlesenesten, herrlichisten und bewehrtesten Auctorum Schrifften und Bücher, aufs dem gar uralten Schatz der uberblibnen, verborgnen, hinderhaltenen Reliquien und Monumenten der Aegyptiorum, Arabum, Chaldaeorum & Assyriorum Königen und Weysen

by Trismosin, Salomon; Paracelsus, 1493-1541; Korndorffer, Bartholomaeus

Publication date 1708


Azoth et ignis, das ist, Das wahre elementarische Wasser und Feuer, oder, Mercurius philosophorum : als das einige Nothwendige der Fundamental-Uranfänge und principiorum des Steins der Weisen ; Avrevm vellvs, oder, Goldenes Vliess : was dasselbe sey, sowohl in seinem Ursprunge, als erhabenen Zustande, denen filiis artis und Liebhabern der Hermetischen Philosophie dargelegt : auch, dass darunter die prima materia lapidis philosophorum, samt dessen praxi verborgen

by Fictuld, Herman; Krügner, Johann Gottfried, 1714-1782

Publication date 1749


Basil Valentine his triumphant chariot of antimony : with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius, M.D. : with, The true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek abbot, taken out of the Emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone

by Basilius Valentinus; Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693; Synesius, alchemist. Vray livre de la pierre philosophale. English

Publication date 1678


Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets 

Volumes 1,2

by Ferguson, John, 1837-1916; University of Glasgow. Library

Publication date 1896


Bibliotheca chemica: a catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Young of Kelly and Durris .. 

Volumes 1,2

by Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow, Scotland). Andersonian Library; Young, James, 1811-1883; Ferguson, John, 1837-1916

Publication date 1906


Bygone beliefs, being a series of excursions in the byways of thought

by Redgrove, H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley), 1887-1943

Publication date 1920


Cabala Mineralis


Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst und Natur in Alchymia : was der Weisen uralte Stein doch für ein Ding sey, der da dreyfach und nur ein Stein ist : welches allem müheseligen Liebhabern der Kunst zu Ehren mit Hülff Gottes, so klar als ein Spiegel fürgestelt : davon vil bisshero geschrieben aber wenigen bekand : gantz offenbar mit kurtzen Worten der gantzen Warheit durch dise beyligende Figuren erklärt vnd an Tag gegeben

by Custos, Raphael, d. 1651; Michelspacher, Steffan, fl. 1613-1619

Publication date 1663


Calendarium naturale magicum perpetuum profundissimam rerum secretissimarum contemplationem totiusque Philosophiæ cognitionem complectens [graphic]

by Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650, engraver; Grossschedel von Aicha, Johann Baptist, author; Brahe, Tycho, 1546-1601, printer

Publication date 1619


Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry, exhibited at the Grolier Club ... New-York, Jan. 16th to Jan 26th, 1891

by Grolier Club; De Vinne Press. (1891) bkp CU-BANC; Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903

Publication date 1891


Centuria chymica, hoc est, Tractatus aureus de lapide philosophorum carmine conscriptus

Publication date 1652


Het Chemisch Kabinet “Opensource”

by Ruud Muschter


Chymische Hochzeit

by Rosencreutz, Christian

Publication date 1616


Clavis sapientiae, das ist, Ein edles vnd köstliches Büchlein vom Stein der Weysen welcher genant wird, der Schlüssel der grössern Weissheit : voretlich hundert Jahren in Lateinischer Sprache beschreiben

by Artephius

Publication date 1618


Codicillus seu vade mecum Raymundi Lulli philosophi doctissimi : in quo fontes alchimicae artis ac philosophiae reconditioris vberrimè traduntur

by Llull, Ramón, 1232-1316

Publication date 1572


Coelvm philosophorvm, sev, De secretis naturae liber

by Ulstadius, Philippus

Publication date 1528


Coelvm philosophorvm, sev, Liber de secretis naturae

by Ulstadius, Philippus; Campesius, Ioan. Anto. (Joannes Antonius). Directorium summae summarum medicinae

Publication date 1553


Collectanea chemica : being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine

by James Elliott and Co., publisher

Publication date 1893


Contributions of alchemy to numismatics

by Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903

Publication date 1890


D. Johannis Tackii ... Triplex phasis sophicus solis orbe expeditus humanaeque fragilitati & spei resurrectionis rerum consecratus

by Tacke, Johann, 1617-1675

Publication date 1673


De alchemia dialogi II. : quorum prior genuinam libroru Gebri sententiam, de industria ab authore celatam & figurato sermone inuolutam, retegit & certis argumentis probat : alter Raimundi Lullij Maioricani mysteria in lucem producit : quibus praemittuntur, Propositiones centum uiginti nouem, idem argumentum compendiosa breuitate complectentes

by Braccesco, Giovanni, 16th cent; Espositione di Geber filosofo Latin; Braccesco, Giovanni, 16th cent. Legno della vita. Latin; Gratarolo, Guglielmo, 1516-1568

Publication date 1548


De secretis nature siue de quinta essentia libellus

by Llull, Ramón, 1232-1316; Johannes, de Rupescissa 1300-ca 1365 De consideratione quintae essentiae Grimm Sigmund fl 1517-1527 printer Wirsung Marx fl. 1517-1527, printer

Publication date 1518


Della tramutatione metallica sogni tre

by Nazari, Giovanni Battista, fl. 1572

Publication date 1599


Dyas chymica tripartita, das ist, Sechs herzliche deutsche philosophische Tractätlein : deren II. von an jtzo noch im Leben, II. von mitlern Alters, und II. von ältern Philosophis beschrieben Worden : nunmehr aber allen Filiis doctrinae zu Nutz an Tag geben, und mit schönen Figuren gezieret

by Grasshoff, Johann, d. 1623; Jennis, Luca, fl. 1625

Publication date 1625


Evphrates, or, The waters of the east : being a short discourse of that secret fountain, whose water flows from fire, and carries in it the beams of the sun and moon

by Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666

Publication date 1655


Examen fvcorvm psevdo-chymicorvm detectorvm et in gratiam veritatis amantium succincte refutatorum

by Maier, Michael, 1568-1622

Publication date 1617


Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections : expressing the ingress, progress, and egress of the secret Hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors ... : whereunto is added, the Arcanum, or, Grand secret of hermetick philosophy

by Dee, Arthur, 1579-1651; Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692; Cross, Thomas, fl. 1632-1682; Espagnet, Jean d', 1564-ca. 1637. Arcanum

Publication date 1650


Five treatises of the philosophers stone : two of Alphonso, king of Portugall, as it was written with his own hand, and taken out of his closset, translated out of the Portuguez into English : one of John Sawtre, a monke, translated into English : another written by Florianus Raudorff, a German philosopher, and translated out of the same language into English : also, A treatise of the names of the philosophers stone, by William Gratacolle, translated into English : to which is added, The smaragdine table

by Pinnell, Henry; Sawtre, John; Raudorf, Florian; Gratarolo, Guglielmo, 1516-1568

Publication date 1651


Four books of Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld, concerning the secrets of adepts, or, Of the use of Lully's spirit of wine : a practical work : with very great study collected out of the ancient as well as modern fathers of adept philosophy, reconciled together, by comparing them one with another, otherwise disagreeing : and in the newest method so aptly digested, that even young practitioners may be able to discern the counterfeit or sophistical preparations of animals, vegetables and minerals, whether for medicines or metals, from true : and so avoid vagabond imposters, and imaginary processes, together with the ruine of estates

by Weidenfeld, Johann Seger

Publication date 1685


Geberis philosophi perspicacissimi, summa perfectionis magisterii in sua natura ex Bibliothecae Vaticanae exemplari undecunq[ue] : emendatissimo nuper edita, cum quorundam capituloru[m], vasorum, & fornacum, in uolumine aliàs mendosissimè impresso omissorum : libriq[ue] inuestigationis magisterij & testamenti eiusdem Geberis, ac Aurei triu[m] uerborum libelli et Auicennae summi medici & acutissimi philosophi mineralium additio[n]e castigatissima

by Geber, 13th cent; Paulus, de Tarento; Khalid ibn Yazid al-Umawi, 7th cent; Avicenna, 980-1037; Schöffer, Peter, ca. 1425-ca. 1502; Pederzano, Giovanni Battista, fl. 1522-1555

Publication date 1542


Hadriani à Mynsicht aliàs Tribudenii ... Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum : hoc est, selectissimorum, contra quosvis morbos, pharmacorum conficiendorum secretissima ratio ... : cui in fine adjunctum est Testamentum Hadrianeum de aureo philosophorum lapide ...

by Mynsicht, Adrian von, 1603-1638; Diricks, Dirk, 1613-1653

Publication date 1638


Hercules piochymicus

by Fabre, Pierre-Jean, d. ca. 1650

Publication date 1634


Institutiones chimicae prodromae, id est, Joannis Joachimi Becheri Spirensis ... Oedipus chimicus obscuriorum terminorum & principiorum chimicorum, mysteria aperiens & resolvens : opusculum, omnibus medicinae & chimiae studiosis, lectu perquam utile & necessarium

by Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682

Publication date 1664


Io. Bap. Portae Neopolitani de distillatione lib. IX : quibus certa methodo, multipliciq[ue] artificio, penitioribus naturae arcanis detectis, cuius libet mixti in propria elementa resolutio, perfectè docetur

by Porta, Giambattista della, 1535-1615; Lauro, Giacomo, 17th cent, ill; Este family, former owner. hou

Publication date 1608


Jocvs severvs, hoc est, Tribvnal aeqvvm, qvo noctva regina avivm, phoenice arbitro, post varias disceptationes et qverelas volucrum eam infestantium pronunciatur, & ob sapientiam singularem, Palladi sacrata agnoscitur

by Maier, Michael, 1568-1622

Publication date 1617


Joh. Joachimi Beccheri ... Physica subterranea profundam subterraneorum genesin e principiis hucusque ignotis ostendens : opus sine pari, primum hactenus et princeps

by Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682; Stahl, Georg Ernst, 1660-1734. Specimen Beccherianum

Publication date 1738


Johannis Conradi Barchusen Elementa chemiae, quibius subjuncta est, Confectura lapidis philosophici, imaginibus repraesentata

by Barchusen, Johann Conrad, 1666-1723; Barchusen, Johann Conrad, 1666-1723. Pyrosophia

Publication date 1718

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