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🌶️ Peppers Treasure Trove

Feel free to check out the rest of the store by clicking "view store" in the upper right-hand corner of the listing page ; there might be more alike items of interest.

🌶️  Thank You for Visiting

I appreciated you looking! I am hoping to find new homes for the many things my father collected during his life. It is an interesting task to research the best I can on the copious amount trinkets and finding the history about each item through the wonderful world wide web of sellers. This includes over 50+ ashtrays, bottles, mugs, glasses and many other things :)


Black Glazed Ceramic Pen Holder
Shaped like an Elephant
Made in China Sticker on Bottom

Needs a little TLC. Has noticeable chips. Pen holders may need repairs ; One of the pen holders ball joint is open / loose / broken so the plastic holder wont stay in / on the main figure.