Corriedale Cross Wool Roving
Corriedale wool is a favorite around the world for its softness and strength. It is great for needle felting, wet felting, and spinning,blankets. We work with the best mills in the world to source the highest quality, and cleanest wool tops possible. The Corriedale sheep is a cross between the Merino and Lincoln breeds. This special cross produces a thick, strong wool fiber that is also very soft.

Processed with environmentally safe methods.
NOTE: All of the wool on this listing are 100% natural Corriedale wool. They are all un-dyed. They are all work wonderfully for felting or spinning.

Natural, dyed wool roving from the Corriedale Cross sheep.
28 micron (for quick felting)
Eco friendly processing.
Approximately 22Lb undyed wool . May vary up to +/- 0.3 oz.
Staple length 90 mm.

How much wool do I need?
Plus size scarf — 2 lb
Blanket 30*50 inches — 4 lb
Blanket 48*48 inches — 6 lb
Blanket 40x 63 inches - 8lb. Twin throw size
Blanket 58*58 inches — 9 lb
Blanket 64*80 inches — 13 lb. Queen size

Perfect for
wet felting,
dry needle felting,
soap felting,
spin into yarn,
cat caves, cat bed, dog bed,
stuffing Waldorf Dolls,
Pillow stuffing,
arm chunky knit blankets (7-8 lbs per blanket is the average- The finished blanket size is approximately 40″ by 64″),
weaving tapestries,
rug and basket making, Horse saddle pads,
Felt animals, felt garland, hats, scarf, socks and booties,
dreadlocks, cat toys, school projects

dryers balls