1x HUNGARY’S NEW FUNDAMENTAL LAW - Crystal version - UNGARNS NEUES GRUNDGESETZ - Version mit Kristallverzierung

1x Hungary’s Fundamental Law Is 5 Years Old


Magyar Posta celebrates Hungary’s new Fundamental Law by issuing a special commemorative stamp block.
On 25 April 2011 the President of the Republic of Hun-gary signed Hungary’s new Fundamental Law, which replaces the 1949 constitution that came into force at a time when the country was deprived of its self-determination. The new Fundamental Law is the foun-dation of all the country’s law and the symbol of a truly free and democratic Hungary, through which a transi-tional period has been brought to an end.

It is a cove-nant between Hungarians of the past, present and fu-ture, and points to the paramount need for spiritual and intellectual renewal. The new Fundamental Law re-spects the achievements of the country’s historic consti-tution and the Holy Crown, which embodies the continu-ity of Hungary’s one-thousand-year-old constitutional state and national unity.

On Magyar Posta’s numbered philatelic speciality the Holy Crown of Hungary printed in 23 carat gold leaf rising from the plane of the paper is featured. The bor-der is adorned with a work by Miklós Köllő, the statue of King Saint Stephen from the dome hall of the House of Parliament, as well as its vaults.

When placed under UV light, the inscription in Hungarian “May there be peace, freedom and concord” is visible. On the special stamp block with red numbering, cut glass crystals sparkle in the place of the precious stones decorating the Holy Crown.

GERMAN - UNGARNS NEUES GRUNDGESETZ- Version mit Kristallverzierung

Die Magyar Posta gedenkt Ungarns Neuem Grundgesetz mit der Ausgabe eines besonderen Sonderbriefmarkenblocks.
Der Präsident der Republik unterzeichnet am 25. April 2011 das neue Grundgesetz unserer Heimat, welches die 1949er Verfassung eines seine Selbstbestimmung verlorenen Ungarns ablöst. Das neue Grundgesetz ist das Fundament der Rechtsordnung unserer Heimat, das Symbol des nunmehr tatsächlich freien und demokratischen Ungarns, mit dem wir eine Übergangsperiode abschließen können.

Ein Vertrag zwischen den Madjaren der Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und der Zukunft, ein Wegweiser für eine unbedingt notwendige seelische und geistige Erneuerung. Das neue Grundgesetz achtet die Errungenschaften unserer historischen Verfassung und die Heilige Krone, welche die verfassungsstaatliche Kontinuität des tausendjährigen Ungarns und die Einheit der Nation verkörpern.

Auf der fortlaufend nummerierten philatelistischen Besonderheit der Magyar Posta ist die Ungarische Heilige Krone im Relief- und 23-Karat-Goldfoliendruck zu sehen. Die Rahmenzeichnung zieren die Statue des Königs Sankt Stephan, ein Werk von Miklós Köllő, und die Bogen des Parlamentsgebäudes. Auf dem Block ist unter UV-Licht die Überschrift „Legyen béke, szabadság és egyetértés.” („Es möge Frieden, Freiheit und Eintracht sein.”) zu lesen. Auf dem besonderen Block mit roter fortlaufender Nummerierung glitzern geschliffene Glaskristalle an der Stelle der die Heilige Krone zierenden Edelsteine.

ENGLISH - Hungary’s Fundamental Law Is 5 Years Old

To mark the fifth anniversary of signing Hungary’s Fundamental Law, Magyar Posta is releasing the black numbered standard edition and the red numbered crystal edition of the stamp block entitled Hungary’s New Fundamental Law issued in 2011 in 4 000 copies each. The stamp block will be overprinted with Hungarian inscriptions meaning “Hungary’s Fundamental Law is 5 years old” and “25 April 2016”. The stamp block overprint and the related items were produced by ANY Security Printing Company based on the design of the graphic artist who made the 2011 issue, Imre Benedek.

Hungary’s Fundamental Law is the most supreme legal source in the Hungarian hierarchy of law. On 18 April 2011 the Hungarian Parliament adopted the new Fundamental Law, which was ceremonially signed by the President of the Republic of Hungary on Easter Monday, 25 April 2011. The text of the new constitution entered into force on 1 January 2012. The Fundamental Law is the foundation of Hungary’s legal system. In this constitution, Parliament regulates Hungary’s legal order, lays down the fundamental rights and obligations of its citizens, and sets out the basic rules governing the state mechanism. The Fundamental Law is not a statute but the highest source of law: all other legislation is derived from this and has its origin in this, thus no statue may run counter to the Fundamental Law. Source: kormány.hu

The main motif of the numbered philatelic speciality is the Holy Crown of Hungary. The stamp block was made using embossing, twenty-three carat gold leaf and offset printing, and under UV light the inscription in Hungarian “May there be peace, freedom and concord” is visible.
The first day cover for the overprinted block comes in a special folder designed for the occasion. The red numbered block adorned by crystals is sold in protective packaging.