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Offering understated elegance to your home's exterior, the Weber Original 22 in. Kettle in black charcoal features a classic profile design. A great way to accomplish many outdoor cooking tasks, this BBQ grill helps deliver long-lasting performance thanks to its porcelain-enameled lid and bowl, aluminized steel cleaning system and rust-resistant aluminum legs. A 363 sq. in. cooking surface gives you plenty of space to cook up your favorite, mouthwatering meals. Weber charcoal grills are built to last and designed to grill amazing, tasty food.
  • Weber Kettle Grill assembled dimension: 25 in. W x 22.5 in. D x 39.5 in. H
  • Heavy gauge, porcelain-enameled lid and bowl help provide durability
  • Aluminized steel one-touch cleaning system for ease of use
  • Aluminum legs and ash catcher offer rust resistance
  • Glass-reinforced nylon handles for maneuverability
  • Weber Kettle Grill is 22 in.
  • Assembly Required
  • Protect your Weber Charcoal Grill with a compatable Charcoal grill cover
  • Weber's warranty varies by component, please see user manual for specific details regarding this model


Dimensions: H 39.5 in, W 25 in, D 22.5 in