100% Organic SoursopDried Soursop Leaves Powder/Guanabana/Graviola/Annona Muricata/Guayabano

The leaf of the source of the tree is also fill with

Soursop tea is an herbal tea that is made from the leaves of the soursop fruit trees. Soursop tea is also called graviola tea and there are several benefits to drinking this tea.


Whole Leaves


100% soursop leaves



Country of Origin

Sri Lanka

How to make

Benefits of soursop tea


natural tranuilizer, so it relaxes and gives you a good nights rest..
Are you having difficulty sleeping...?

A leaf just one of leaf from this plant can make a tea to help you tosleep better..
It is also use ful for pain managment joint pains from osteoarthritis and theumatoid arthrities, are susceptible
of this leaf..
...you put all thease leaves together in your blender and make a chlorophyl rich drink..you can drink every day....

 resa multy store..from sri lanka