Union Pacific Railroad Roundtrip Fares / Brochure for the summer of 1911 to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle from 12 mid-western cities.  (5 3/4" x 22" when fully opened) With side trips to Yellowstone National Park, with railroad and stagecoach service.  The railroad offered package deals, that included hotels and meals, for stops at points of interest including Old Faithful Inn and the Geysers.  The Union Pacific Railroad boasted of their elegant dining cars that served excellent delicacies of the season.  There is also a map of the railroad and connections that went from Iowa through Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Idaho and Oregon (with side trips up to Yellowstone through Montana.)   **CONDITION** - Excellent.  Brochure comes in a glassine envelope.