• High-quality performance dog food formulated with real turkey as the first ingredient.
  • Dry dog food for all stages with fine-tuned nutrition that optimizes oxygen metabolism (VO2 max) for increased endurance.
  • This dog food with duck , turkey and quail has 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat to fuel metabolic needs and maintain lean muscle.
  • Containing glucosamine and EPA, an Omega-3 fatty acid, this high protein dog food supports joint health and mobility.
  • Made with amino acids, this turkey dog food helps support muscles, including the crucial time after exercise.

Enrich your canine with the premium nutrition of Purina Pro Plan Sport Performance 30/20 Turkey, Duck & Quail Formula Dry Dog Food. This triple-protein dog food with real meat is designed to optimize oxygen metabolism for increased endurance, and contains a ratio of 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat to support your hardworking canine’s energy levels, fuel metabolic needs, and maintain lean muscle. Specially formulated for highly active dogs and canine athletes alike, this high protein dry dog food is fortified with Omega-6 fatty acids and Vitamin A to nourish your dog’s skin and coat. Enhanced with live probiotics and antioxidants to promote digestive and immune health, this sport dog food offers complete and balanced nutrition, helping your dog reach his full potential. Plus, as Pro Plan Sport is the official performance dog food of Ducks Unlimited, you can feel confident you’re delivering your champion the fine-tuned nutrition he deserves.

Item Number N/A
Weight 6 pounds
Made In United States
Sourced From Various
Lifestage All Lifestages, Adult
Breed Size All Breeds
Food Form Dry Food
Special Diet High-Protein, With Grain