3.01 The new type connecting block is easy

to use, designed to make a safe positive connection and will accept banana plugs,

spade lugs or wire.

3.02 No tools are required by the customer

to make his connection to the telephone system with the use of the new 45-R

connecting block.

3.03 The 45-R connecting block is designed

primarily for use by the telephone

company to provide a safe, rapid and positive

connecting point for the final termination

of a radio program supply loop.

3.04 This connecting block will accept

standard plug-in banana plugs, alligator clips, spade lugs or wire looped around

the shaft or clamped through the center

hole. No tools are required to make these

connections. The center screw holding the

cover is common to the ground terminal.

3.05 A standard 216B tool “can wrench” can

be used on the 3/8~’ terminal nuts.

The ground terminal is a screw type connector

and is common electrically with the center

post. The 45-R connecting block is equipped

with a 10,000 ohm resistor connected between

the tip and ring terminals.


From a clean and smoke free home.

Storage wear of plastic bag but still sealed.