Med 7244-40

Medal in bronze from the Paris Mint (Horn hallmark from 1880).
Minted around 1989.
Modern re-strike of a medal around 1900.

Engraver : According to Borrel.

Dimension : 71mm.
Weight : 162 g.
Metal : bronze.
Mark on the edge : Cornucopia +
bronze .

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Switzerland, in long form the Swiss Confederation6, in German Schweiz Pronunciation of the title in its original version Listen and Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, in Italian Svizzera and Confederazione Svizzera, in Romansh Svizra and Confederaziun svizra, is a country in Central Europe and, according to some definitions, from the West, made up of 26 cantons7, with Berne as its capital, sometimes called a “federal city”. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. Switzerland is a country without an ocean coast, but has direct access to the sea via the Rhine (Mannheim Convention)8. The area of ​​the country is 41,285 km2. It is geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss plateau and the jura . The Alps occupy most of the territory (60%)9. The population of Switzerland exceeds 8 million inhabitants and is mainly concentrated on the plateau, where the largest cities are located. Among them
Switzerland, in long form the Swiss Confederation6, in German Schweiz Pronunciation of the title in its original version Listen and Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, in Italian Svizzera and Confederazione Svizzera, in Romansh Svizra and Confederaziun svizra, is a country in Central Europe and, according to some definitions, from the West, made up of 26 cantons7, with Berne as its capital, sometimes called a “federal city”. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. Switzerland is a country without an ocean coast, but has direct access to the sea via the Rhine (Mannheim Convention)8. The area of ​​the country is 41,285 km2. It is geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss plateau and the jura . The Alps