This Nikon D300 Digital SLR camera comes with an TOKINA 35-300MM F/4.5-6.7 Super ZOOM, also included is a Nikon Nifty Fifty, A must-have for standard portraits and everyday use, the AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G is a lens that will absolutely surprise you., also a nice clear lens, Nikon MB-D10 Battery Grip including two batteries. A Memory card that holds 8500 photos. Camera functions as it should and has served me well. you'll get two batteries, but no charger (I misplaced it) A genuine Nikon carrying case. Please ask any and all questions happy bidding and 
P.S I will be listing more of my collection soon. please check back periodically! I included a "Best Offer" so if you don't like my price make an offer, if I haven't eaten or need to pay the rent I might say yes.