Cardiocrinum Giganteum Planting Instructions.


Pure white with a deep red throat. July. 80-50cm.


Requires a cool, moist yet well-drained position with deep humus-rich soil. The tip of the bulb should be level with the surface. Space the bulbs 60-90cm apart. Sometimes a season or more will pass before the bulb is sufficiently well settled to flower, but patience will be amply rewarded when the spectacular flower stem, with up to 20 highly fragrant blooms appear. Cardiocrinums are monocarpic which means the bulbs die after flowering. They leave behind a number of bulblets which in their turn grow on and flower in years to come.


bulb man 09 front cover



The Nurseries, Clamp Hill, Stanmore,

Middx. HA7 3JS