Esta hermoso medallón Grande (2.5” alt) con la imagen de la Santisima Virgen de Guadalupe de cuerpo entero por un lado y de medio cuerpo por el otro lado, es una verdadera joya a precio muy accesible, especial para las señoras que son de la Legion de Maria…COMPRA LA TUYA Y COMPRALE UNA A TU MAMA, ABUELITA Y TIAS!!!

This beautiful medal depicts the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a significant religious symbol in Christianity. The medal is made in Mexico and features a double image. It is not handcrafted, but still holds great value for collectors and those seeking spiritual guidance.

The medal is perfect for those who are a part of the Legion of Mary or anyone who wishes to add a meaningful and visually stunning piece to their collection of religious items. The Virgin of Guadalupe is a beloved figure and this medal is a wonderful representation of her. Add it to your collection today.