Red Blue Pauper Deck 

Wolverine Mutate Deck. 

The goal here is to Get Spelleater Wolverine to Mutate into Flying Wolverine creatures with Dreamtail Heron cards if you used at least 3 instance cards they should have double strike and do at least 3x2 damage a piece and if you grow its power with aspect of the manticore it will do 5x2 damage each time they attack.  

TOTAL: 60 cards
4 Spelleater Wolverine [IKO]
4 Bloodhaze Wolverine [ELD]
4 Fire Prophecy [IKO]
1 Demon Bolt [KHM]
2 Shock [M21]
2 Kasmina's Transmutation [WAR]
2 Capture Sphere [M21]
4 Aegis Turtle [IKO]
2 Cancel [M21]
2 Deliberate [ZNR]
1 Unsummon [E02]
4 Dreamtail Heron [IKO]
2 Immolation [MID]
2 Aspect of Manticore [THB]
2 Phantasmal Dreadmaw [MH2]
11 Island (254) [KLD]
11 Mountain (263) [ELD]