The novel revolves around presenting the events of the Prophet's biography in a sequential historical manner distributed over...

  Ten scenes form the chapters of the novel

The first scene was titled: The Birth of a Prophet! (At some point, a light had to shine

  Faith to remove the darkness of ignorance.

The last scene is titled: The Death of a Prophet! (Muhammad is no more than a messenger; messengers have passed away before him.)

The novel's main character, Sajida, is a hardworking, loving fifteen-year-old girl

  For reading and knowledge

She will share with us her private world, through which we will present the course of the noble Prophet's biography

The first event in the novel was a school visit to one of the historical museums in the Kingdom

  Meanwhile, Sajida will ask about the nature of life before the Muhammadiyah mission and what it was like

  His birth, peace be upon him

Then events progress until Sajida's parents, Ahmed and Maryam, offer her to watch a historical film

  During which there will be interaction with the events of the Prophet's biography in audio and video

The events progress sequentially, describing Sajida's most important activities during the school vacation, such as visiting her grandmother's house

  She went out to a park with her young family, presenting the events of the story sequentially

  Until the novel concludes with complementary chapters related to his moral and moral qualities, may God bless him and grant him peace

. His miracles, his family, peace be upon him, his noble morals, and the perfection of his soul