The Abyss AND Aliens 4K UHD + Blu-Ray + Digital Code Ultimate Collectors Edition with Slipcovers. New Sealed. DOLBY ATMOS.

These movies are hard to find and sold out in stores

The Abyss and Aliens 4K UHD Blu-ray is a must-have for sci-fi and fantasy fans. This Ultimate Collector's Edition set features two iconic films directed by James Cameron. The set includes the slipcover and is sealed, ensuring it is in perfect condition upon arrival.

Experience the thrill of deep-sea exploration in The Abyss and battle terrifying creatures in Aliens, both presented in stunning 4K UHD quality with an aspect ratio of 2.39:1. The set also includes special features such as behind-the-scenes documentaries and commentaries from the cast and crew. Don't miss out on adding this sought-after collection to your movie library.