This Microsoft LifeCam Studio webcam is a top-quality choice for anyone seeking high-definition video and photo capabilities. With a maximum video resolution of 1080p HD, 30 fps frame rate, and 1920 x 1080 maximum photo resolution, this webcam provides clear, quality visuals for any application. Features such as motion detection, autofocus, and a built-in microphone make this webcam a convenient and versatile choice. The webcam is also compatible with USB 3.0 connectivity, making it easy to install and use.

This webcam comes with a black case and is manufactured by Microsoft. It is covered by a manufacturer warranty. Whether you are using it for business calls, video conferencing, or personal use, this webcam is a reliable choice. Its features include low light performance, making it ideal for even dimly lit rooms. If you are looking for a webcam that provides high-definition visuals and ease of use, the LifeCam Studio is an excellent choice.