
Message for custom orders!!

Entering year #3 of operations and WOW! I never imagined this many people would love my work! With over 600 bats sold in the last 3 years, over 160 5-star reviews, and 75+ repeat buyers. I can’t wait to keep things rolling! I keep prices as low as possible to allow all ball players the best chance at the highest quality traditional bats for $79.97 or less.

Thank you for your interest in The Cash Cow Bat Corporation! The Cash Cow Bat Corporation was started and currently operates in my backyard (on days when the weather is bearable) and once I am able to sneak out of the firm I work for in Omaha, Nebraska. A quick rundown about me: I grew up with a strong obsession for baseball that carried me all the way through college. In high school (2012ish), I became very intrigued with the wood bats big leaguers were using and decided to get one. Surprise! Those cost $175 plus and I had about $70 from mowing the neighbor’s lawn in the summer. So, I did some research and learned how bats are made, found a big wood supplier that could get me some wood at a reasonable cost and with a little help from dad with the saw, I was able to make a bat that looked just like the big leaguers. Since then, I have evolved quite a bit. I got a logo made up, designed a new technique for cupping both ends of the bat, came up with a whole catalog of different color schemes. I don’t have a big, fancy, electronic lathe, so not every bat is 100% perfect. It would be a rarity, but it is possible the cupping might be slightly off center, or there might be an un even spot on the surface. Having said that, every bat is more than sufficient and competitive with any bat you can buy in stores. I would never send out a bat for someone to use that I wouldn’t use or haven’t tried out my very self. I have learned that there will always be some circus clowns that come around with $60 and expect the absolute best bat on earth and then throw a fit when Mike Trout’s personal bat isn’t handed to them. Crazy. That’s not what I do and that was never the goal. The entire purpose of what I do is to get people the finest quality and most durable wood at the absolute lowest cost possible so they too, can continue to enjoy the game and develop their skills without looking like a clown swinging an expensive bat with an at-best average swing. If you’re on eBay looking for a wood bat, and you don’t have a company begging you to use theirs, chances are this is the exact bat you’re looking for. Read the description. Look at the pictures. All the pictures. Zoom in on the pictures and inspect every inch of the bat. Every inch of the bat is visible in at least one of the pictures! And before you ask for a discount on an already discounted item, please be mindful of what goes into every bat:

Supplies cost per bat: $70+

-Wood: $42

-Lathe usage: $3

-Drill bit usage: $2

-Saw Usage: $1

-Newly tested and designed clear coat formula: $4

-Sand Paper: $4

-Engraver Usage: $5

-Logos: $4

-Gold/Silver mid-bat stripe: $1.50

-Paint/Flame Treating: $5

-Packaging materials: $6

-eBay fee: 13.25% of TOTAL SALE PRICE PLUS SHIPPING!!! (With a $100 sale, I only see roughly $81)

Those are just the materials costs, not including the time I spend working on each bat (4+hours per bat) and the time I spend shipping and designing the logos, listing the bats, answering questions, etc. Clearly, there isn’t money being grabbed from anyone, nor am I trying to trick anyone. If you just simply love baseball and want an haffordable way to continue playing, The Cash Cow Bat Corporation is for you and I am excited to have you join myself and the rest of the 350+ users I have so far! If you’d like to talk more, feel free to follow my page and shoot me a Direct Message!