Warman Texas Vintage Rangers - Classic wind and construction with AlNiCo V magnet slugs.

Here's one for the purists, a full matched set of vintage style single coils with fibre bobbins, alnico 5 magentic slugs and cloth covered wiring. We've also wax potted them to reduce the chances of microphonics. Wound hotter than standard for more output and tonal range but retaining the classic "quack" associated with this style of pickup. You can now get the tone and feel of a classic Strat set without the huge price tage normally associated with them. Each set is wound with the mid coil being opposed direction winding and magnetic polarity so that when you are using switch positions 2 and 4 then the two pickups being used are operating in humbucking mode.

Bridge - wound to 7.43 kOhm with an inductance of 4.01Henries, south pole facing up. Yellow and black wire

Middle - wound to 7.17 kOhm with and inductance of 3.93 Henries, north pole facing up. Blue and black wire

Neck - wound to 6.94 kOhm with an inductance of 3.83 Henries, south pole facing up. White and black wire.

In all cases the black wire is the ground / negative lead and connects to common earth. The coloured wires go to the respective positions on your selector switch.