Rennie Deflatine relives the pain and discomfort of bloating, flatulence, and trapped wind. Each Rennie Deflatine tablet is formulated with simeticone, a highly effective anti-foaming agent that causes the trapped air bubbles to combine and disperse, helping eliminate the symptoms discreetly and without embarrassment. Rennie Deflatine also contains antacids which provide effective relief from heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux. You must contact a doctor if you do not feel better or if you feel worse after 7 days.

Rennies Deflatine Tablets
Rennies Deflatine Tablets provide effective relief to something called bloating. Bloating is where the tummy feels full and uncomfortable. It’s a common symptom that people experience, typically after eating a large portion of food or something their stomach doesn’t agree with. There are numerous things you can do to try and ease it.

It may be worthwhile using Rennies Deflatine Tablets if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

Your tummy looks or feels bigger than usual
Tummy pain or discomfort
The stomach is rumbling or making noises
You’re passing wind more than you typically would
One of the most common causes of bloating is gas or wind. This commonly caused by foods and drinks like vegetables or fizzy drinks. However, some people suffer from excess wind due to problems with their digestion. It can merely be a symptom of an underlying condition such as:

Food intolerance
Coeliac disease
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)