How well do you REALLY know Canada?

Did you know:

Santa Claus is a Canadian citizen?

That hockey is NOT the official national sport of Canada?

That the Canadian passport contains hidden images?

Canada could have been named Britannia or Borealia?

Parts of Canada are as cold as Mars?

A Canadian pharmacist invented peanut butter?

If you're Canadian, know any Canadians, are traveling to Canada, or have ever wanted to know more about Canada, this fun little fact book will help.

Inside you'll discover fun nuggets of knowledge and trivia about:

The kind people who live there

All things maple syrup

A list of cool Canadian inventions

Famous and amazing Canadians

Fascinating and unique history

Breathtaking nature

A few words to help you speak Canadian

As a FUN BONUS and to test how well you and your friends REALLY know Canada, there's a fun short QUIZ with answers at the end to test your Canadian knowledge.

This crazy factbook is a great gift for family, friends, co-workers and anyone you think would enjoy learning some fascinating facts and trivia about Canada.

Marianne Jennings is a self-proclaimed adventure craver and an adventure addict. She is the Chief Adventure Officer of , proudly holds the title of favorite aunt to her ten nieces and nephews, and is a lover of new foods and new experiences.

She loves facts and trivia like Canadians love maple syrup and hockey. To help introduce other places, people, and cultures to others, she likes to share interesting and fun facts that are entertaining and memorable.

By day, Marianne works a regular 9-to-5 job where she encourages people to travel to and explore the great state of Utah. By night, she plots and plans her next epic adventure or is in the middle of learning or trying something new, like writing fun facts and trivia books.

Visit her at to stay in touch and be in the know about upcoming books.