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Titolo: Manifesta, Art, Society and Politics
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Creating a New Europe through Contemporary Art
Autore: Erdem Çolak
Formato: Copertina rigida
ISBN-10: 1350375802
EAN: 9781350375802
ISBN: 9781350375802
Publisher: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Genere: Arts & Photography
Soggetto: Language & Reference
Data di pubblicazione: 04/04/2024
Description: This is the first monograph fully dedicated to critically investigating the political, economic, artistic, urban, and societal relationships of Manifesta – European Biennial of Contemporary Art, a European nomadic biennial initiated in the post-Cold War era. Despite being one of the most important recurrent exhibitions taking place in Europe, surprisingly little has been written about it since the mid-2000s, Manifesta, Art, Society and Politics provides a deeply-researched and engaging analysis of the the critically overlooked Manifesta exhibitions, as well as it's changing goals and discourse since the first edition in 1996.The book is split into four parts, divided by theme and following the exhibitions chronologically. Providing a comprehensive overview of one of the most important biennials in Europe, Manifesta, Art, Society and Politics investigates the relationship between large-scale art exhibitions, culture-led regeneration, and urban transformation. It is essential reading for students and researches of exhibition and curatorial studies, art history, and cultural studies.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 234mm
Lunghezza: 156mm
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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