
Cycas revoluta

Family and description

Belonging to the Cycadaceae family, this species has a single, branched, erect trunk at the apex of which is a cluster of pinnate leaves. The trunk is underground in young plants and grows with age, reaching 6 to 7 metres in height in older specimens (over 50 years old).

It has a crown of dark green, shiny, leathery leaves about 20 cm in diameter and about 1 m long.

Cycas belongs to the group of gymnosperms, i.e. it has neither flowers nor fruit.

The "flowers" are actually leaves that have taken on the function of reproduction. They are golden brown, woolly and located in the centre of the plant. The seeds are produced by the adult plants and produce large ovoid seeds measuring 3-4 cm.

Being a dioecious plant, the male plants produce pollen cones and the female plants groups of megasporophylls. Pollination can be done naturally by insects or artificially.

Origin and habitat

Native to southern Japan and China, it spontaneously inhabits intertropical and subtropical zones,

Cicas do well in sandy, well-drained soils with some organic matter, in places with good sun exposure, although they tolerate shade well.

Minimum temperature -10c

Price per cm of change