
Ibanez SR4FMBLTD Sapphire Blue Flat 2015 model electric bass guitar Indonesia

There are signs of use
(shininess on the elbows and back of the body and neck due to playing,
scratches on the headstock and around the jack, darkening on the back
of the neck, ring marks, wear and scratches from playing, picking marks,
buckle marks, dullness, bits, rust on metal parts and screws, and other exterior damage).

The frets are at a height that does not affect playability, and the
truss rod can be adjusted in the tightening and loosening directions
and has been confirmed to work up to ±50° (not much left on the tightening side).

■Frets remaining: Plenty left

■Truss rod: Not much left in the tightening direction

■Neck condition: No problems
