This is a kit, just add Your RAK WISBLOCK radio and 2000mah battery
50 * 34 * 10 mm
.  These are not like other 3d printed cases. These are heavy duty, can take a drop or rough handling. Make sure you order the right Mhz for your region. 915mhz is used in USA with no license required. The chip drops in the case. INCLUDES, CASE , Screw's FOR CASE COVER, ANTENNA WITH SMA to fit wisblock.
COLOR in pics

There is a small hole seen next to the usbc plug hole.  Behind the hole is the button for reset and boot mode. You will push button with a small size paper clip straightened out.  You should not need to press the button often. 

If you buy the RAK wisblock meshtastic starter kit, and my case kit all you need is a 2000mah battery size 50mm x 34mm x 10mm to build your Meshtastic node. This batt. will power the wisblock for 2 or 3 days.  

NOTE: 3D prints are not perfect, there may be minor defects from print process that do not affect function.


Meshtastic is a community-driven, open-source project using LoRa radios for long-range, off-grid communication. Please be patient with the project, There will be frustration at times with these type of projects. There is no big corporations building a highly refined product, it is up to us as a community of hobbyist's to further refine the hardware and software to make this exciting off grid radio project grow. So again be patient help each other and i am glad to help where i can.
I am learning all the time about Meshtastic, i am not an expert just a hobbyist trying to help others establish off grid coms.

Meshtastic Basics

You will need more than 1 node.
Range is largly dependent on your area, trees, buildings, hills will limit your range.
Range is similar to the range of cheap walkie talkies.
Long range is possible with good line of sight and or, many nodes in the network.
Its unlikely you will connect with other users when you frst get your node, unless you have friends near by with a node.
Your node can help others make longer range contacts, so keep it near a window and charged up.
This is an ongoing radio project each node is helping expand and grow.
We are are all learning, so be patient and help grow the community.