Ok, real words here.  This 1920s celluloid repurposed piece is not for everyone...I get it. But the rareness meter is pegged on this one, the little silver inlaid nude woman is super cool and heck, it's my workbench, so I can make whatever pipes or tamps I like!

   When I first found this stock, I chuckled to myself,  but it feels more like laughing with...not laughing at.  This was originally a manicure tool, made in an era so much more optimistic and hopeful than ours, that it almost feels alien.  Saying that this tamper is from a " Better Time" is such an understatement that it borders on a cruel joke.  But this tamper is from a better time.

   Anyway,  this is a bold and optimistic tamper that needs to find a bold and optimistic owner.  I have four of these tamps, here...there must be four nostalgic and optimistic pipe smokers "out there".

   Thanks for looking...
