Commodity Noopept 

 CAS NO. 157115-85-0 
Items Specifications Results Methods 
Assay (As Dried Base %) NLT98.5~101%% 99.82% HPLC 
Appearance Crystalline Powder Complies 
Visual Identification Positive Complies 
IR&1H NMR Color White to Colorless Complies 
Visual Odor & Taste Characteristic Complies 
Organoleptic Loss on drying NMT1.00% 0.28% USP 
Melting point 97℃-98℃ 97℃-98℃ USP 
Residue on ignition NMT 0.5% 0.08% USP 
Total Heavy Metals NMT20ppm Complies USP 
Related substance Meet the requirements Complies USP

We make no therapeutic claims regarding our materials; Therapeutic is defined by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as: * Influencing, inhibiting or modifying a physiological process in people or animals ; and /or * Testing the susceptibility of persons or animals to a disease ailment; and/or * Influencing, controlling or preventing conception in persons; and/or * Preventing, diagnosing, curing or alleviating a disease, ailment, defect or injury in a person or animal