Large Golden Cap Copper Orgonite Pyramid Energy Protection EMF Shielding

Orgonite Pyramid is Loaded with with: Copper Shavings, Copper wrapped Quartz, Various Crystals & Gemstones

Did you know you can impact the energy all around you? It is possible with orgonite. But what is orgonite and how can it help you?  

Orgonite is a powerful tool for energy healing and protection against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).Developed in the 20th century by Wilhelm Reich, orgonite is often described as a form of energy that is omnipresent and vital for our well-being.

The Science Behind Orgonite: How It Works and Why It Matters

The Orgone Pyramids are based on Austrian Psychoanalyst "Dr Wilhelm Reich" Research early 20th century, He has introduced the term called orgone.

The Term "orgonite" refers to a mix of quartz crystals, semi-precious gemstones, metals and resin in a combination for balance out the life energy that we also know as prana, chi or orgone.

This natural Earth energy is the most powerful cosmic energy there is and it resonates with Schumann’s fundamental global frequency of 7.83 Hz. This resonance is considered to be the “heartbeat” of our planet

Orgonite works by transforming negative energy into positive energy, effectively neutralizing harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and other forms of chaotic energy.

           What orgone pyramids can do for us:-

Improve immunity and resistance to illnesses as well as enhanced energy levels and feeling better overall; 

Remove the stressors that affect us on unconscious levels by projecting high vibrational energies;

people have reported orgone pyramids have helped their overall lives, spiritually, mentally and spiritually.

Heal the environments that need thorough, energetic cleansing.

Access deeper meditative states, strengthen intentions and visualizations;

Fight insomnia and improve sleep, vivid and pleasant dreams;

Help each individual on his/her specific imbalances as if they “know” what you need as well as spiritual growth;

Energize foods, water and boost plant growth;

Protect from EMF radiation from electric and electronic devices making them especially helpful for people living in big cities;

Heal the environments that need thorough, energetic cleansing.

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