Dire Straits

'Love Over Gold'

Remastered CD

Brand New and Factory Sealed

**See Picture for track Listing etc**

For me, this album is essential for any Dire Straits fan, or for any fan of good guitar playing. For that matter, I think it should have a place in the CD collection of any discerning rock music fan. Many DS fans rightly consider it the band's finest album. The star attraction here is Telegraph Road, a 14 minute masterpiece with emotive lyrics and fantastic playing that still sounds as epic and emotional today as it did back when it was released. The album is worth the price for that sublime cut alone. Private Investigations and Love Over Gold are powerful tracks, masterfully played. I can't quite give it 5 stars as I just can't, no matter how hard I try, get into "Industrial Disease", even though I symapthise with the theme of the lyrics - it just seems, to me, totally over-shadowed by the other compositions, which seem far better. Listening to this CD still gets the hairs on the back of my neck and still makes me jealous of Mr Knopfler's talent as a finger-style guitar player. I used to use this as a test vinyl for hi-fi equipment because the original vinyl was such a wonderful quality recording. This CD doesn't disappoint the sonic stakes either - if they have re-mastered it (some dispute this) they seem to have done it with some thought, rather than just brickwalled it to make it sound as loud as possible - the dynamics still seem present in the recording, so well done Vertigo.