Introduction; Part One: The Nuba Mountains: Late 1980s-1990s; 1. The Genesis of the Crisis: Sudanese Civil War ¿ Alex de Waal; 2. Genocide by Attrition in the Nuba Mountains ¿ Samuel Totten; 3. The International Mediäs Response ¿ Amanda Grzyb; 4. The International Response ¿ Julie Flint; 5. The Problem of Impunity ¿ Hannibal Travis; Part Two: The Genesis of the New Outbreak of Violence in the Nuba Mountains in 2011; 6. The Nuba Mountains and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement ¿ John Hubbel Weiss; 7. The Contested Election of Ahmed Haroun as Governor of South Kordofan -- Jon Temin; 8. The Outbreak of New Violence, Mass Malnutrition and Starvation ¿ Samuel Totten; 9. Interview with Ryan Boyette: Only U.S. Citizen to Remain in the Nuba Mountains Throughout the Aerial and Ground Attacks ¿ Samuel Totten; 10. The International Mediäs Response ¿ Samuel Totten and Amanda Grzyb; 11. The International Community¿s Response ¿ Eric Reeves; Part Three: Where To? What Now?; 12. Cycles of Discontent, Cycles of Violence: Is Amelioration Possible? -- A Discussion Among Experts in the Field